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Have you ever wondered why one needs a house? You know the answer: For we need shelter! We need a concrete structure, which can protect us from all the harsh forces of nature. However, how exactly does a house protect us from all these harsh forces of rain, heat, cold, etc.?
Now, you may feel like this is too fundamental. Of course, a house protects you from all these forces with the help of four sturdy walls — two on each of your sides, one right below you, and one above you. Now, which one of these walls gets exposed to the harsh forces the most? It is the one above us!
The roof, more than any other part of the house, is exposed to the sun and its ultraviolet rays throughout the year. Australia is anyway more prone to receiving extreme sunlight, and this means that your roof has a lot to protect you from. Furthermore, as weathers change, the roof needs to stand guard. The mantle of protecting your family or business from whatever fury has been unleashed outside falls on your building’s crown. This is perhaps why you need a reliable roof above your head!
However, much like any other thing in the world, roofs to have their ages. It isn’t hard to understand why do we need to look after this essential part of the house, but often people do not know how to look after it. The simple answer is re-roofing. You may think that it will be a lot cheaper if you repair the damage; however, here are a few reasons why re-roofing is the only way to stay safe:
A stronger alternative:
Over the years, it has been deteriorated because of recurring rains and hail, among other things. You may repair leakage in your roof. However, the different parts of the roof are still getting older and weaker as we speak. Thus, It is wise to consider a roof replacement.
Leaves no scope for hidden flaws:
When replacing the roof, as we have established in the previous point, a few hidden areas make get ignored. Plants growing on the roof could also lead to potential leakages in the future. Moreover, the larger a building is, the larger would be the surface area your existing roof covers.
Thus, while repairing the roof, it is not always practical to pay close attention to every part of the roof. Hence, replacing the roof is a better alternative to ensure that no scope for future damage is left behind. Market experts such as Lidoran Roofing offer the best roofing services reasonably.
Gives you better choices:
As technology advances, more and more products come out every day. A lot of material, which was used twenty years or so back, has been banned by the Australian government keeping in mind the risks involved with a toxin.
Thus, the more you invest in the new technologies, the healthier and stronger your business will be. It is necessary to stay in touch with what is happening in the market, and if possible, employ the latest technologies towards constructing your home.
Not as expensive as you thought:
Now, you may be thinking that given all the advantages stated above, the one position in favour of repairing over replacement is that repairing is cheaper. However, is it? When you restore a damaged part of the roof, you are not fixing the whole rooftop. What it means is that shortly, you may have to go for more frequent reparations. However, when you replace the existing roof with the new one, it is safe to assume that you wouldn’t have any significant repairing jobs at least for the next few years to come. Thus, in the long run, replacing your roof every 20-25 years is the healthy thing to do for the health of your family as well as your house.