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The sentence ” I need to make a grocery list” is one that comes up in most people’s minds. That too frequently and almost every week, if not every second or third day. The reason is too obvious to talk about.
Sometimes, or often, some important things are left out from the list. Other times, a need for some product or grocery item pops up in the middle of the week, even after the grocery shopping has been done with utmost care as not to forget anything.
That could be because of some spontaneous plan or unexpected expenditure of some product or any other reason. Therefore, there are many ideas and ways for making the grocery list to sort out the problems. Here are some ways to make a grocery list that works for you
Maintain an Updated Grocery List
Having a running list is very convenient for those who frequently tend to forget something or the other that they are low on in the kitchen. A running list means writing down anything that one is low on. That too the moment the product is low in quantity. This must be done before one runs out of the item.
This method allows us to place the things that will be finished or needed eventually and prevent leaving out anything from the final grocery list in the future. It is a relatively straightforward method but very useful in its functioning.
It can be used to jot down many small things like spices, salt, bread, butter, meat, rice, flour, and more. It can be done anytime, while passing by the kitchen, in the middle of making something to eat.
Over time, the list will have the details of everything that will need stacking. Writing them down on a piece of paper is one way. Having a whiteboard for the purpose will level up the game even more. A quick snap of the board will make things quicker and lesser chance of losing the list.
Having Sections in Your List
Another thing that can be done to the previously mentioned running list is dividing it into sections. This can be seen in the image below as well. The list is divided into two sections where one side has a list of items that can be bought from one place, and the other items to be bought from the other.
This can be understood by having the list of green vegetables, fruits, and such on one side, and having the list of frozen meat, spices, and other things that can be bought from someplace like Walmart in the right section. It is a versatile method and can be used as per personal needs.
Chalkboard Grocery list
This is quite like the previous list. The best part about it is that one can make one list, take a snap of that, and then make another one. It can be used in a variety of ways, as a running list. Is cheap and effective.
Having a List on The Refrigerator
This is one of the best ways to keep a grocery list. Having a chalkboard, whiteboard, or a piece of paper attached to the fridge using a fridge magnet, or any other means, will work well.
It is effortless to maintain because everyone passes by the fridge many times a day, at least. The list can be updated during any of those moments of passing by. This thing can be done with the door of any cabinet or even some other door.
Printed Personalized Grocery List
This is another very effective way of making a running grocery list. This one requires some effort once during the beginning of the month or a season.
In it, the person will have to make a list of all the things that they need and might need. This requires thorough research and brainstorming. Once this list is ready, sort it on a computer or mobile phone. Arrange them category wise. The categories can include everything from meat products to spices, bread and vegetables, and more. Make a checkbox in front of it.
The final thing is to get a printout of the same. The print can be stuck on any surface that is often visible. Whenever something is running low, the checkbox can be ticked with a pencil. If not this, and someone is in the habit of bulk buying for a month or so.
Then the product can be highlighted that is low in quantity. This way, unnecessary impulsive shopping is kept in check as well. It is very useful and beneficial when in need of making a grocery list.
At the end of the month, the highlighted/checked products can be refilled, and the rest are exempt from being repurchased. It is economical and will save some money for more shopping.
Making Grocery List on The Phone
This is quite probably the easiest one. Everyone has a notes app on their phone, be it google keep or the classic notes. The list can be made in any way, with anything in any order, or an organized one. Since it is on the phone, it will be handy, easy to access anywhere.
Cloud computing allows the list to be accessed from multiple devices, so forgetting the phone at home is no issue if one has laptops or another phone nearby. Plus, this one is an eco-friendly method. The need of society nowadays is to focus on the environment as well. This one saves paper and plastic waste.
The reminder app on the phone can be used as an alternative to the note’s app.
Sticky Notes
This is a convenient method to make a grocery list. If you need to make a list and do not want to spend too much
It can be updated with just the things that are running low. Whenever there is a need to note down something, it can be done within a few minutes. Just jot It down and stick it anywhere it is visible frequently. Then take a quick snap of it or stick it on the car while going grocery shopping.
Modern Solutions
The previously mentioned methods are, no doubt useful. However, in this age of technology and software dominating every aspect of life, it would not be right not to mention the modern solutions to any issue.
The same is the case when there is a need for a grocery list.
Many people use several dedicated and exceptional apps. These apps are made for specific needs and purposes, which includes making a grocery list and keeping it updated.
Links to some of those apps are below.
Therefore, all the methods are helpful in the article for whenever there is a need to make a grocery list. Whether someone needs an explicit list that is quick to make, or a very detailed and planned lost. The article has something for everyone’s requirements.