As the world slowly unearths more benefits of medical marijuana, many federal states have started legalizing this magic plant. Even though the federal government considers possessing or growing marijuana as a crime, thirty states, including California, Colorado, and Washington DC, allow possession or cultivation of only medical marijuana.
If you live in a state where cannabis has been legalized, you might be interested in tips for growing sinsemilla and other variants of marijuana in your backyard. But, growing cannabis at home can be more complicated than it seems. You need to have an understanding of specific things to do the task perfectly.
Here are some things that you must know before gardening marijuana in your backyard.
Varieties- There are multiple varieties of marijuana available which come with varied benefits and features. If you want to grow your cannabis outdoors in the backyard, there is a variety for that. Similarly, there is a different variety for indoor plantations. Talk to your seed supplier and get a suitable variety according to your convenience. Go for mold-resistant varieties with a short flowering period; this will be the most convenient choice for you.
Gender- It might interest you to know that cannabis is a plant that produces male and female flowers on different plants. The female plants are rich in psychoactive compounds, whereas one cannot smoke the male plants. So choose half male and half female plants and omit the male leaves while smoking.
Seeds- Cannabis seeds do not need special treatment or a particular environment to grow. You can start by planting the seed in a small pot indoors by the window. Then, as it grows, transfer it outdoors.
Conditions- Make sure that the plants receive at least six hours of direct sunlight and good drainage. Good air circulation will help them to prevent fungal diseases, so ensure there is enough distance between the plants. Provide compost manure on the plant beds to get nutrient-rich weed.
Feeding and watering- Irrigate the dry soil surface on which the seeds are placed. You can also apply a layer of mulch. During the summer seasons, try adding nitrogen fertilizers once every three weeks to stimulate their vegetative growth.
Pruning- Depending on the variety you purchase, these plants can grow up to a height of 12 feet. Ensure to clip 30% of all the major branches of the plants once every few weeks. It will encourage the plant to grow better and bushier with more weed buds.
Harvest- The buds start forming towards the end of summer, and you should get the marijuana by October. When the flower pistils turn reddish-brown, you know they are ready for harvesting. Leave six to eight inches from the stem and then cut the buds. Trim all the leaves too.
Hang the buds in a warm place for about a week so that they can dry off properly. Then, store them in an air-tight jar. Your homegrown marijuana is ready to be used.