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Distracted driving is the number one cause of accidents in the United States per year, and there’s no sign of it stopping anytime soon. In Colorado alone, 42 accidents per day are caused by distracted driving, and in 2019, 4,361 people were injured and an additional 39 killed due to distracted driving. Continue reading for the top five ways to avoid distracted driving and what to do if you are hit by a distracted driver without a license.
Don’t Text and Drive
It can be tempting to send a text message when driving, but it’s important to remember that texting while driving is the equivalent to driving the length of a football field with your eyes closed. Simply put the phone away until you have reached your destination.
Don’t Multi-Task
Eating or doing makeup may seem like a great thing to do at red lights or while driving, but these activities can lead to serious injury or even death. While that cheeseburger and fries may smell tempting, it’s a much better idea to eat at your final destination.
Keep Kids and Pets Secure
Little Johnny and Fido should both be in the backseat and secured with seatbelts—not adding to the stress of driving. Try to keep children entertained with an activity that holds their attention while you drive while pets should be in a crate or in a pet car seat.
Don’t Reach
Groceries, books, cellphones and an assortment of other items are all liable to hit the ground rolling, and it can be tempting to reach down, up or over to grab them. Just remember that they’ll be there when you reach your final destination, but you might never get where you’re going if you reach for them.
Pull Over for Emergencies
Things will happen while you drive; it’s inevitable. If a desperate situation demands your attention while you’re behind the wheel, pull over and park in a safe space so you can focus on it rather than attempting to address it while driving.
What to Do When a Distracted Driver Without a License Hits You
Did you know one in five fatal accidents are caused by an unlicensed or invalidly licensed driver? If you are hit by an unlicensed, distracted driver, you need to find answers to the following questions:
Do they have insurance?
Will their insurance still cover the accident even though the driver doesn’t have their license?
You will also need to make sure you collect all supporting evidence, including, photos of the car, a police report and witness statements. A non-licensed vehicle lawsuit attorney who specializes in these types of cases can also be a big help in getting you the compensation you deserve.
Distracted driving accidents can eventually get down to zero if we all work together to prevent them by focusing on the road. However, if you are hit by an unlicensed, distracted driver, you should hire a non-licensed vehicle lawsuit attorney to make sure you get the representation you deserve in the aftermath of your accident.