Redecorating your home can become the one thing that you never have the spare money for. With one unexpected expenditure or another arising each month, it often gets pushed back for months or years. Yet, we spend a significant amount of time in our homes. They should be our sanctuary and a place where we feel comfortable and relaxed. Creating a space that feels well-put-together, calming and organized can really help us to unwind from the stress of our working lives and a multitude of responsibilities.
If re-doing your kitchen or freshening up the lounge decor is something that feels pie-in-the-sky at the moment, it might be worth considering a few quick and easy ways to save some money and work towards creating a living space that you and your family can really enjoy.
Easy changes can make huge savings
- Small lifestyle changes can really add up; for example, having a weekly meal plan. Not only can this encourage healthy eating habits, but it’s also a great way to cut down unnecessary spending on food. If you know, you’re going to be out for the day make sure you’ve got the items you need to prepare yourself a packed lunch. You can cook bigger batches at dinnertimes and set some aside in Tupperware so that you’ll have your lunch the next day taken care of. Otherwise, by the time you’ve bought a sandwich, some fruit, or other snacks and a drink, you will find yourself spending upwards of $5 per day. With a bit of planning the savings can quickly add up, meaning that you can find yourself with a little extra wiggle room at the end of the month to be put towards those home decor changes you’re dying to make.
- Use rebate promotions platforms to save money on your everyday expenses. Traditionally saving money would require you to reduce your purchases and cut back on items that you would otherwise want or even need, but it’s not the only way. Fortunately, through Rebate sites, you can cut down your spending without having to sacrifice some of the items you would like to be able to buy. Many manufacturers and retailers are keen to get their products moving off the shelves if only to increase sales through positive reviews and word of mouth recommendations. This means that you can get hold of some products at a fraction of the usual retail price if you only know where to look. Getting rebates on your purchases could be a great way to allow you to stock up on items you were already looking for, but with the possibility of up to 100% cash-back.
- Dig into your home energy use. Contact your home-energy supplier and find out if they offer a free or cheap break-down of your home energy use. You might want to consider whether a smart meter could be right for you. This would allow you to keep a check on where you are using energy and any unnecessary use you might be able to clamp down on right away to potentially make substantial savings.
- Weather-proof your home. Some investments, as well as small, low-cost changes, can save you a lot of money in the long run. Taking steps to prepare your home for Summer and Winter can save money in heating or cooling your home and can also prevent mold damage to your home, which could become a significant expenditure if not prevented or dealt with early.
If you’ve been making, do with that sunken couch or worn out rug, and wallpaper that’s older than your grown children, it could be worth considering some of these relatively unobtrusive changes to your daily life which could help you to set aside some extra money. This could ultimately allow you to splash out a little to create the fresh and functional home you’d like to live in.